Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Baby blankets...

My latest commission orders are finally finished....I've just unplugged the sewing machine! And here they are for you to see! Made in cotton and polar fleece-backed, they seem very popular as newborn gifts; to swaddle and keep baby warm, for those first trips out in the pram, feeding in the fresh air, or just as a reminder of baby's name, when you might forget in those first few days at home, as three instead of two (only kidding)...

Eye candy from Cornwall

Just back from holidaying in Cornwall.....loads of rain unfortunately but beautiful shops thank God! Found my hunger for fabric and motif satisfied quite nicely with wrapping paper and card gems from Chez Williams and Roger La Borde at First Press.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Just back from Disneyland and am completely wiped to England tommorrow with the children and Monsieur. Back soon.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Someone's been sitting on MY chair!

I've always been fascinated by small furniture for the little ones of this world and since becoming a mother, I seem to have started collecting kid's chairs (much to my husband's despair). When I see one I am constantly surprised by the way style and design works it's way into our lives at such an early age...for me these objects represent the history of design and are sooooo collectible simply because to collect the real thing would be not only too pricey for most of us, but also impossible to house, and these little miniatures are perfect pieces of a bitter sweet combination: the simple nature of doll's furniture combined with the grown up world of retro design and style...

The kids love it when I bring home an old little chair which needs repainting, I love restoring it, changing it's colour and adding a little cushion to match, and Monsieur Seb just rolls his eyes again...

This little red chair I picked up is my most recent bargain, I added the cushion. It reminds me of Goldilocks and the three bears...I love it! It will probably go up for sale at some point on the website, when it is up and running more....probably by the end of the year.